Purpose: When a customer uses the "Forgot Your Password?" option of the Store, a reset link is emailed to the customer with which they can change their Customer Record password. The page displayed during the reset is viewed via this template.
Code Blocks
Note: It is important to preserve the commented tags to ensure the software performs correctly.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | <!--START: CATEGORY_HEADER--> [CONTENT] <!--END: CATEGORY_HEADER--> [resetpassword_header] <!--START: resetForm--> [k] [email] [id] [resetpassword_title] [resetpassword_instructions] [resetpassword_newpassword] [resetpassword_confirmnewpassword] [registration_verification] [registration_verification_message] [resetpassword_savepassword] <!--END: resetForm--> <!--START: CATEGORY_FOOTER--> [CONTENT] <!--END: CATEGORY_FOOTER--> |
Note: Code blocks and their respective variables will only work with specific template pages.
Note: Many of the following variables are dynamically inserted from your cart’s Settings ->Design ->Store Language section.
- [resetpassword_header] – Displays the Title of the “Reset Password” heading on the Page. (See Settings ->Design Store Language)
- [k] – Used by the Software to insert a session key to Authenticate the user for the Password Change.
- [email] – Used by the Software to insert the account Email Address to Authenticate the user for the Password Change.
- [id] – Used by the Software to insert the account database ID to Authenticate the user for the Password Change.
- [resetpassword_title] – Displays the Title of the “Reset Password” section of the reset form. (See Settings ->Design Store Language)
- [resetpassword_instructions] – Displays the Text of the “Please type the new password…” instructional message of the reset form. (See Settings ->Design Store Language)
- [resetpassword_newpassword] – Displays the Title of the “New Password” section of the reset form. (See Settings ->Design Store Language)
- [resetpassword_confirmnewpassword] – Displays the Title of the “Confirm New Password” section of the reset form. (See Settings ->Design Store Language)
- [registration_verification] – Displays the Title of the CAPTCHA “Verification” section of the reset form. (See Settings ->Design Store Language)
- [registration_verification_message] – Displays the Title of the CAPTCHA “Type the word above…” section of the reset form. (See Settings ->Design Store Language)
- [resetpassword_savepassword] – Displays the Title of the “Save New Password” button/link of the reset form. (See Settings ->Design Store Language)