
Purpose: This template is used to display the order’s tracking information when tracking an order that is shipped via FedEx.

Code Blocks

Note: It is important to preserve the commented tags to ensure the software performs correctly.

        <!--START: results-->
          <!--START: trackno-->
          <!--END: trackno-->
          <!--START: ShipDate-->
          <!--END: ShipDate-->
          <!--START: EstimatedDeliveryDate-->
          <!--END: EstimatedDeliveryDate-->
          <!--START: service_description-->
          <!--END: service_description-->
          <!--START: package_count-->
          <!--END: package_count-->
          <!--START: Weight-->
          <!--END: Weight-->
          <!--START: shipto_address-->
          <!--END: shipto_address-->
          <!--START: activity-->
          <!--END: activity-->
        <!--END: results--> 

Note: Code blocks and their respective variables will only work with specific template pages.


Note: Some of these variables are used in multiple places on the page, with their dynamic content controlled by the code block used in each instance.

  • [FedExURL] – Used by the Software to insert a “Track on” URL on the tracking page.
  • [trackno] – Inserts the Order’s Tracking Number.
  • [ShipDate] – Inserts the Shipment Date.
  • [EstimatedDeliveryDate] – If the order has an Estimated Delivery Date available, this variable will insert it.
  • [service_description] – Inserts the Shipping Method Name.
  • [package_count] – Inserts the number of boxes in which the order will be shipped.
  • [Weight] – Inserts the weight of the shipment.
  • [shipto_address] – Inserts the Order’s Shipping Destination.
  • [date_time] – Places the Date and Time Stamps for the Order’s Tracking Movements.
  • [description] – Inserts the Order’s Tracking Event/Progress information.
  • [location] – Inserts the Order’s Tracking Event/Progress location.