
Purpose: This template is used to display a list of store Categories. Similar to the Product and Manufacturer Index pages.

Note: This page will require adding an Extra Page (Settings ->Design ->Site Content) and linking it to category_index.asp.

Code Blocks

Note: It is important to preserve the commented tags to ensure the software performs correctly.

   	[store_name] - [category_index_title]
    <!--START: category_level1-->
    <!--END: category_level1-->
    <!--START: category_level2-->
    <!--END: category_level2-->
    <!--START: category_level3-->
    <!--END: category_level3-->
    <!--START: category_level4-->
    <!--END: category_level4-->
    <!--START: categoryindex-->
        [category structure goes here]
    <!--END: categoryindex-->

Think of our Code Blocks as code includes within your HTML document. For example, if you wanted to add a breadcrumb to your page, you need the breadcrumb codeblock, plus the necessary variables inside that codeblock.


Think of our Codeblocks as code includes within your HTML document. For example, if you wanted to add a breadcrumb to your page, you need the breadcrumb codeblock, plus the necessary variables inside that codeblock.

  • [store_name] – Inserts the name of your store as specified in the Settings =>General =>Merchant Information section of the 3dcart Online Store Manager.
  • [category_index_title] – Inserts the Title of the page as specified in the Settings =>Design =>Site Content section of the 3dcart Online Store Manager.
  • CATEGORY – Inserts the category name here. (Note: The category and sub-category display is based on the <!–START: category_level#–> and <!–END: category_level#–> code blocks.)